10:00 am 12.13.20
I’m happy to share with you that beginning Sunday, Jan. 3, 2021 our morning gathering time will be moved an hour later to 10:00am. We’ve had many people request a later service time, especially those who have families and would like to bring their children back to WFAkids. Others who aren’t morning people and those coming from out of town have also voiced their preference.
We have listened. Providing the tools, resources and events to help you grow is vital to our vision to “inspire lifelong relationships with Jesus.” Obviously we need to make those resources as easy and convenient as possible. We hope that this shift in our service time will be a positive move and help more of our church family be able to participate in our “in-person” activities on Sunday morning.
If you haven’t yet returned on Sunday, I’d encourage to join us this week! Even though we remain social distanced and masked (out of love and protection of others) there is a dynamic or element of being together that just isn’t found in watching something on a screen. We need fellowship. We need one another. We were born for community and one of our values here at WFA is “a sense of family.” So please join us again as soon as possible.
This past week our pastoral staff spent an entire day together dialoguing, praying, and planning. Even though it’s been a very difficult year, we are filled with optimism and excitement moving forward. We believe the Lord is leading us in several specific areas for 2021 which we will be sharing with you in the weeks ahead.
May God bless you my friends as we continue to journey through the Advent Season in preparation for the celebration of our Lord’s birth.