Foundations of Faith Series Week 6: The Baptism in the Holy Spirit
Today, we are exploring our core belief in The Baptism of the Holy Spirit by walking through foundational accounts in the Book of Acts. We will discuss what it is, why it is important, and how we receive it. Our prayer today is “Come, Holy Spirit.”
Acts Chapter 1, Chapter 2, Chapter 8, Chapter 9, Chapter 10, Chapter 19
- Who is the Holy Spirit? The Third Person of The Trinity
- When does the Holy Spirit come to live in us? At salvation
- What is the Baptism in the Holy Spirit?
- An experience following salvation
- An immersion, infilling and release of the Holy Spirit
- It is evidenced by speaking in tongues (non-native language)
- Why is the Baptism in the Holy Spirit important? It is MORE…
- Power for righteous living (holiness/Godly character)
- Power for the Mission of Jesus Christ
- Holy Spirit enabled spiritual gifts
- How do we receive the Baptism in the Holy Spirit?
- Ask, Seek, Knock
- Commit fully to God
- Pray audibly
- Praise and Worship
- Openness – Cooperate with the Holy Spirit
- Relax – Trust God’s Timing
Seek the giver (Jesus) and the gift – not tongues.
It is the gift of the Spirit, not the work of our minds!
Come Holy Spirit