DR Missions Team 6.12.22
This week our WFA Missions Team will be leaving for the Dominican Republic to be part of a larger Medical Missions Team organized by Hope International. There will be 8 of us traveling and we certainly would appreciate your prayer support. We will be conducting 5 different medical clinics in 5 different villages. There are doctors, nurses, dentists and an optometrist that will all be participating over a period of a week. There will also be a “Pastor’s Conference” that draws several hundred pastors for teaching and training. I’m honored to have been asked to speak at that event.
Here’s how it works. Local pastors are given tickets for the medical clinic for them to distribute in their communities. There is a limit of 400 or so that can be seen each day. Early in the morning we load the trucks and then when the rest of us are having breakfast, the set-up team goes into the area and sets up multiple tents or areas of ministry. People are lined up by the time the volunteers get there and each much have a ticket and is assigned an escort. They see the doctor, or dentists and often are then sent to a pharmacy tent or lab for blood work. Each individual also goes to a prayer area where prayer teams minister to them. Documentation on each person is made and that information is given back to the local pastor for follow-up.
Before they leave, they visit a gift tent and are given shoes, toes, clothing, etc. Several corporate sponsors, like Nike, donate new merchandise for us to give away. Also, there is a child-care area where many volunteers play games and tell Bible stories to the children while their parents are at the clinic.
Please keep us in your prayers. We fly out Friday, June 17 and will be home on Wednesday, June 29th. Besides Linda and myself, team members include: Patti Arneson, Darlene Curtis, Ken Schober, Lisa Lewis, Marsha Rivera and Jacque Johnson.