Texas Shootings 6.5.22
We were all devastated by the terrible news last week that 19 innocent children and two teachers were shot and killed in Uvalde, Texas. This is every parent’s worst nightmare and all of our hearts are breaking.
At times like this, we all collectively ask, “Why?” Why did God allow this to happen? The simple answer is, no one knows, but Pastor Greg Laurie of Harvest Church does an incredible job in addressing this horrific event. Here’s what he says: “There are evil people who do incomprehensively evil things every day because we live in a fallen, sinful world. MOMENTS LIKE THESE ARE A REFLECTION ON THE EVIL OF MANY, NOT THE GOODNESS OF GOD.” The Bible says in Jer. 17, “The human heart is the most deceitful of all things, and desperately wicked. Who really knows how bad it is?” When we find ourselves not knowing why bad things happen, he suggests that we fall back on what we do know. That’s because in these moments the most important question is not “Why?” but “Who?” Who can we run to for help in the midst of this broken world? Pastor Greg goes on to say:
“I know that God loves every one of these little children and the teacher who died.
I know that God loves the parents and families that lost these little ones.
I also know that these children are safely in the arms of Jesus Christ right now in Heaven.
Jesus said, “Let the children come to me. Don’t stop them! For the Kingdom of Heaven belongs to those who are like these children.”
YES, WHEN we do not know the answer to the “Why” question, it’s best to pivot to the “WHO?” question instead. AND THEN TO THE “WHAT? By that, I mean: What do we do at a time like this? The answer is: WE MUST turn to God.”
Psalm 23 reminds us that even though we walk through the valley of the shadow of death – we need not fear – for God is with us! He knows all about our suffering. This is a time to cry out to God Himself, who will hear our prayers, comfort our hearts and bring us hope in the midst of tragedy.