Small Groups 2.20.22
Do you ever feel the need for more relational connection? It’s wonderful to come and worship together in a large crowd on Sunday morning, but the Lord has made us with a need for closer, personal relationships. We are made to live in “community.” That’s how we learn to grapple with the issues of life, to work together, to serve, and to flourish as fellow citizens in God’s Kingdom.
We have ample opportunities for you to connect in smaller arenas and I’d encourage you to step out and find the joy, strength, and help that comes with doing life with other people. Whether it’s a Bible study group, a prayer group, a book group, a social group or a serving group.
Some examples would be the Beth Moore study for women in the Russerts home. Our Wednesday night study on the book of Philippians. Volunteering to be part of our First Impressions or Coffee ministry. How about the Friday night “People of Promise” group at the Ostella’s? You could join the seniors who meet every Saturday night for dinner at the Country Inn or volunteer to be a helper with WFAkids.
There are numerous ways to grow big by becoming smaller. Think and pray about how you can become better acquainted with others who also call WFA their church home.