Prayer 1.9.22
Jerry Beebe


Think of it this way.   You spend lots of time researching to make sure you get the best possible sail boat available.   You save your money.  You learn all you can about sailing.  The day arrives and your boat is delivered.  It’s a beauty and you’re excited to take it out on an initial cruise.  You read the manual, you plot your course, and you put up the sail to begin your journey.   But, you go nowhere, because there is no wind.  You are stuck, treading water, on a beautiful boat that you’ve learned to guide, but because there is no wind, there is no movement.

Friends, prayer is the wind to effective ministry.  We can have all the right tools, we can be trained and proficient, but without the power of the Holy Spirit we will go nowhere.  Zechariah put it this way, “It’s not by might, nor by power, but by my Spirit, says the Lord.”  (4:6)

Please  join us during this month of January for our “31 Days of Prayer.”   Each day we will focus on a different aspect of the ministries of WFA.   There is a “Targeted Prayers” pamphlet that is available at the Welcome Center or by contacting the church office.  It will not only give you a focus for the day but also Scriptures and a suggested prayer.

Let’s begin this new year of 2022 with a clear vision and specific strategy but most of all, let’s ask the Holy Spirit to provide the wind to our sails that we truly might, “inspire lifelong relationships with Jesus.”