Men’s Breakfast 8.22.21
I want to invite all men to join us for a special “Men’s Breakfast” on Saturday, Sept. 11th at 8:00am in the lobby. We’ll enjoy some good fellowship, good food, and hear a short inspirational devotional. We will also be announcing the launch of a new weekly men’s group led by Mike Johnson.
It’s tempting to try to live in isolation but we are created to live in community. The Bible describes it as “iron sharpening iron.” Oh, how desperately our world needs courageous men who are willing to honor God with their prayers and service. We need men who will rise up, whose vision to glorify Jesus is clear, and who intentions are pure.
As we move forward as a church to “inspire life-long relationships with Jesus”, the men must lead the way. We must be men who are strong in our faith and examples in prayer, spiritual disciplines, and leadership of our own lives, our families, and the church.
Please join us for this special event on Saturday, Sept. 11th. We need you to help set the pace for a new spiritual awakening at WFA.