Message Topics 7.11.21
I’ve recently had conversation with another couple who have decided to leave WFA because I’m not preaching what they want to hear. They join many who have left this past year in the midst of the pandemic, cultural polarization, political agendas, and those who desire someone else to lead and pastor this congregation. It’s a difficult time but a time but one where we must once again recommit to the gospel of the Bible and the purpose He has called us as a church to “inspire lifelong relationships with Jesus.”
My commitment has always been to preach, teach, and do my best to live the values and principles of the Bible. That’s my calling and my mission. I’m not called to be an “echo chamber” and simply repeat what people want to hear. I’m not called to put earthly government ahead of the Kingdom of God. I’m called to preach the gospel which honestly can be very disruptive to our lives and hard to accept. No wonder people don’t want to hear it.
In many ways the Biblical “gospel” is harder than the “gospel” others want to hear, even though some have labeled it as “soft.” For instance, instead of preaching against those who disagree with us, the Bible tells me to challenge people to love their enemies. Instead of defending our “rights” the Bible tells us to humble ourselves and prefer others. The sins I address are ones that we struggle with and not the sins of others whom we disagree.
Honestly, it’s tough sometimes when many are like those who convinced Aaron to preach and teach in the way they desire. But I must be true to the One who has called me and to whom I’m ultimately responsible. I might disappoint some but I will continue to seek the Lord and be obedient to the Holy Spirit in selecting the topics and messages that are centered on Jesus and the Kingdom of God; the “gospel” that will challenge us to radically change our lives and become more like Jesus.