The Bible 6.20.21
Jerry Beebe


So often we hear only negative or  “gloom and doom” reports when it comes to Christianity and Biblical values.  Today I want you to rejoice with me on a recent report on “Bible Engagement” that was recently released by the American Bible Society in conjunction with Barna Research.   With COVID-19,  the polarization of our country, and the political opinions dividing many churches, there’s some good news when it comes to Americans and the Bible.

*Bible users in the United States increased in the year 2020.

*Americans largely believe that our nation would fare poorly without the Bible as a moral guide.

*Over 50% of all Americas say the Bible is without error.

*Half of Americans affirm the bible contains the keys to living a meaningful life.

*One in 6 U.S. adults (16%)  reads the Bible most days of the week.

The report also contains some other interesting information including 59% prefer a print edition to a digital copy of the Bible and 37% of those who identify with other religions, besides Christianity, read the Bible for the moral guidance it provides.

The Bible is God’s inspired Word to us and is profitable for teaching, convicting, correcting, and instructing in righteousness.  (2 Tim 3:16)  Let’s immerse ourselves in it Daily through our WFA Journey Bible Reading Plan and in our personal devotions.   It brings us the spiritual life and enlightenment we need to live victorious and focused lives.