Sharing. 3.28.21
Today I want to share some thoughts on the fourth fundamental value we hold at WFA. Like the others, the reason we value these things is because God values them. In fact, He values sharing our faith to such a degree that He has commanded it. We read in Matthews gospel: “go and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.” (28:19). To fulfill His commission we must value; “Sharing Jesus.”
Sharing Jesus does not require you to stand on the corner with a sign saying “The End is Near” and trying to convert people to Christianity. It’s rather a life-style. Our words, actions, deeds, responses, and decisions, in all situations, should reflect our belief in Christ and our commitment to His teachings. As someone once said, “your life is the only Bible that some people will ever read.” Our co-workers, family and neighbors should see that we are “different” than the norm of our culture.
Andrew is perhaps our best example of how we should share our faith. When he discovered the Messiah, the Bible states he immediately went and told his brother Simon. Simon of course later became Peter, upon who Jesus said He would build His church. Think about that. Realize that somebody once shared their story of discovering Jesus with Billy Graham, that led to His conversion. And, someone probably shared what Jesus had done for them with you, before you decided to commit to be His disciple.
Having the gift of an “evangelist” is not for everyone but everyone who follows Jesus has been called to share their faith with others. You don’t need to be a theologian to simply share what Jesus has done for you.
Let’s commit ourselves once again to be “Christ’s Ambassadors” and to be willing to share Jesus with others.