S.O.A.P. 1.10.21
As we read through the Bible this year, let me offer a simple easy way to not just “read” the Word but to meditate on it and apply it to your daily life. The S.O.A.P. method was developed years ago by Pastor Wayne Cordeiro from New Hope Church in Honolulu. I believe it will be of tremendous help as we “Journey Through the Word.”
Each day, after reading, identify the SCRIPTURE that stood out to you. Read it again and OBSERVE what it’s saying about God, about your behavior, about Christ. Now APPLY by asking yourself if there is a promise to claim, a truth to believe or an action to obey. Finally, PRAY in response to the Scripture. Be honest and express yourself to Him. This is a way to turn God’s Word to you back to Him.
S.O.A.P. – Scripture, Observations, Application and Prayer.
As you join us each day in feeding your Spirit with the Word of God I would really encourage you to take the steps of S.O.A.P. to make your time in the Bible transformational for you and your walk with Jesus.