Looking Forward 3.24.24
Jerry Beebe


Great things are ahead as Wenatchee First Assembly moves into a new chapter of vibrant ministry.  For 107 years we have been a light in this community, providing for people’s needs but most of all providing the message of salvation and hope through a personal relationship with Jesus Christ.  Temporal things are important but eternal things are even greater in value.   Whatever we do, it needs to be wrapped in the Gospel message!

Next Sunday is Easter and it’s a wonderful opportunity to invite a friend or neighbor to church.  Pastor Darth has a powerful message prepared and our Worship Director, Adam Guerra, has some special musical things planned as well.   We’re only offering one service at 10:00am this year so I’d advise you get here early because we are anticipating a full-house.   One of our young members of our Worship Arts team, Caden Eagle, has worked hard to have a new stage design in place.   I’m excited to see the new fresh inviting look he has come up with.

Pastor Darth is already leading us well by scheduling some special services designed specifically for times of prayer and others for focused praise and worship!   What a great thing for him to lead us to seek the Lord before setting an agenda of goals or vision.   Check out the new “Coming Events” posters in the lobby so that you can participate and be part of these important events that will lay a solid foundation for what God has planned in the years ahead.