God’s Faithfulness 2.4.24
Jerry Beebe


This past Christmas I received a gift from one of our members of a book that contains a brief synopsis of 52 vital Hebrew words.  It’s really been a blessing and provides much insight into the value of knowing the original language(s) of the Scripture.  One of the insights I’ve gained is into the Hebrew word “emeth” which is often translated “faithfulness.”

We know that in Revelation, Jesus identifies Himself as the “Alpha and Omega….the beginning and the end.”   Often we think about that in terms that Jesus has always existed (John 1:1) and will always exist.   He has no beginning or end.   That’s true but if you look at the original word “emeth” there’s the possibility of another meeting that is pretty amazing!

God is faithful and trustworthy.  The original Hebrew word for “faithfulness” consists of three letters.   The first letter is the first of the Hebrew alphabet.  The second letter is the middle letter of their alphabet and you guessed it!  The final letter is the last letter of the Hebrew alphabet.    The word means faithful, trustworthy, sure and consistent.   It’s meaning is even reflected in the three root letters being anchored in the beginning, middle and end of their alphabet.  (David Adamson)

In the Bible, emeth is a characteristic of God.  It’s who He is.  That’s why we can be assured that Jesus is the most sure thing because He is faithful.  Faithful from start to finish and everything in between!