Get Involved 10.1.23
Jerry Beebe


Today I’d sincerely ask that you pray about how you can become more involved and serve here at WFA.   I appreciate all who attend each week, either online or in-person, but Jesus calls each of us to take the additional step of serving one another.   Obviously, we all have different gifts and talents but we all have something we can do to contribute to our community of faith.

We truly need more volunteers in both our children’s and youth departments.  I know Pastor Allen would be thrilled if you could help out on Wednesday nights.   Perhaps you have a musical talent that you aren’t  using for the Lord.   Check in with Adam Guerra and see if there is a place for you on the worship team.   If you have an outgoing personality or even a need to meet more people, please consider joining our First Impressions Team led by Pastor Doug Gardner.    There’s a need for more help running media for our services and to help weed and care for our campus.

If you are home-bound, perhaps you can join our prayer team.  I’d love to add you to those who receive our weekly prayer guide every Monday.   Or perhaps you can write notes to missionaries.   Yes, there’s room for more help in preparing coffee and also visiting seniors and shut-ins.   The ways to serve are almost unlimited.

Please pray about taking another step of commitment and helping this coming year as a volunteer at Wenatchee First Assembly.   God bless you!