Global Hunger 8.13.23
In the latest U.N. report, three are now an estimated 735 million people worldwide facing hunger. Stop. Just think about that for a minute. 735 million! Africa remains the most at-risk region, with about one in five people facing hunger. According to the report this number is an increase of people without adequate food since the COVID-10 pandemic. “Hunger is rising while the resources we urgently need to protect the most vulnerable are running dangerously low. As humanitarians, we are facing the greatest challenge we’ve ever seen.” Cindy McCain said in a statement to “The Christian Post.”
In addition to the global hunger crisis, the report highlights that more than 3.1 billion, or 42% of the world’s population, could not afford a healthy diet in 2021. Malnutrition is a major threat to children’s survival, growth, and development. In fact, a child dies every 10 seconds due to malnutrition. A higher incidence of child malnutrition was noted in rural rather than urban areas, while overweight children were found to be slightly more relevant in urban areas.
The Bible is very clear about our responsibility to feed the hungry. It’s sad that there are over 2,000 verses in Scripture about taking care of the alien, helping the poor and feeding the hunger but American Christianity seems to be more concerned with cultural shifts that the Bible says little about. But, as I have said many times, you draw a bigger crowd by being against something rather than for something.
We at WFA can’t solve the world’s hunger problem. But as individuals and as a church, we can be aware of the need and of the Scriptural obligation we have to do our part. Let’s continue to support our “Packing Friendships” ministry. Let’s continue to supply the Fresh Market at Serve Wenatchee with chili and other canned perishables. But, perhaps the Lord will impress on your heart to do more as an individual or a family. Maybe donate more regularly to our local food banks. Perhaps a monetary donation to “Convoy of Hope” that feeds over 500,000 per day in 33 countries. There are numerous ways that we can bless those who have real need. Pray about it. You can’t save the world, but you can certainly make a difference for an individual or a family.