Summer Activities 6.11.23
Jerry Beebe


Memorial Day has come and gone which means we are officially in the “summer” season.   As a church, the months ahead bring a suspension of our normal Wednesday night activities but a plethora of various activities and events for the entire family.   The Youth have special days and a camp to look forward to.   Our annual “Family Camp” is in August and moving to a new location this year.   For children we have our summer Vacation Bible School which is now being called “WFA Day Camp.”   The theme is this year is outer space and Pastor Allen has some very special things planned.

Something new for men is a monthly no-host dinner that begins in June and will continue on the 3rd Tuesday of each month.  No agenda, just a time for men to get together, hang-out, build relationships and enjoy some good food.  The men’s weekly Bible study, facilitated by Mike Franks, will continue as well.

To make it easy to see the entire summer at a glance, we have produced some jumbo posters, had them framed and placed at each of the 3 main entrances into the church.   You’ll be able to see all the non-Sunday events easily at one spot.   We hope you’ll take a look at the offerings and take advantage of the ones that interest you.