Still Small Voice 10.16.22
Jerry Beebe


Don’t complicate or doubt your ability to hear the voice of God.   If you have accepted Christ as your Savior the Holy Spirit of God lives in you to lead and guide you.   Too many times we want an audible voice or some supernatural manifestation, but the fact is, in most cases, the Lord will lead you through a still, small, voice.  A simple prompting.   A “prompting” is a knowing deep down on the inside, telling us what we should do.  It’s not a “whack on the head” as much as it is an intuitive feeling that you need to follow.

In 1 Kings the Lord didn’t use a strong wind, an earthquake or a fire to prompt Elijah.  No, God’s voice was as a sound of a gentle, small voice.   I love the way Joyce Meyers describes it when she states, “God often gives direction by speaking to your heart rather than to your ears.”

You may not always understand the reasons that God is asking you to do certain things, but as you follow His voice through the promptings of His Spirit you’ll experience joy, peace and a sense of God’s direction.  Trust the Lord as He leads you and trust yourself to hear and recognize the promptings as you walk with Him.