Wisdom to Forgive 10.23.22
Jerry Beebe


I don’t know if you’re like me but sometimes when people act badly it’s just really hard for me to forgive them.  The Scriptures, however, tell us it’s wisdom to forgive even when we would rather not.  We read very clearly in Colossians 3; “Be even-tempered, content with second place, quick to forgive an offense.  Forgive quickly and completely as the Master forgave you.”  (Msg)   So if you’re angry with anybody this week, or if you’re upset at yourself for some reason, it’s now time to forgive!

God instructs us to treat other people exactly the way we wish to be treated.  And since we want to be forgive for the mistakes we made, we have to be willing to extend forgiveness to other people for the mistakes, or choices, they have made.  If you can’t seem to get over the hump and forgive someone, I’d encourage you to ask the Holy Spirit to help you, until you are able.  You can be sure of this:  if you keep asking for God’s help, He will give it to you.  God will not require anything of us that He won’ also give us the grace and ability to do it.

I invite you to be free this week through the power of forgiveness.  As Father Lawrence Jenco once said, “Having forgiven, I am liberated.”