Money & Happiness 10.2.22
Jerry Beebe


Can money buy happiness?  This Sunday we begin a new 8 week series called “Watch Your Attitude.”  The pastoral team will be teaching from Jesus’ famous “Sermon on the Mount” and specifically looking at the beatitudes found in Matthew 5: 1-12.  The first beatitude has to do with happiness and we’ll explore how many people are looking for it in all the wrong places.   In reality, it’s only when we are “poor in spirit” that we will find the happiness of the Kingdom of God.

It’s interesting that even secular studies have shown this Biblical principle to be true.   Just a few months ago an article was published entitled, “The Relationship Between Wealth and Happiness.”  Their research found the citizens of Finland the most happy with a 7.8 rating.  The median wealth per adult in that country is $73,775.   Compare that to the United States that only had a 7.0 happiness rating but a  higher median wealth of $79,274.   Citizens of Japan earn even more at $122,980 per year but scored only 6.0 on how happy they really were.   So….it’s obvious, that riches do not guarantee happiness.

I hope you’ll join us as often as possible for this series that will be a collaborative effort of our pastoral team.  Each week you’ll receive a fill in the blank outline; an extra resource from Rose Publications on that week’s beatitude; and a  daily study guide to use throughout the week.

We’ve worked hard on this series, that was originally created by Pastor Virgil Brown of Christian Life Center in Port Orchard.  We hope you enjoy and benefit from our study of  Jesus’ teachings on what our attitudes should be.