Last Days? 9.25.22
Are we living in the last days? For many of us we’ve heard that for decades and there’s always been speculation about the coming of the Lord based on whatever is happening in the world at that time. Some of you remember that there was little doubt during Hitler’s horrific reign of terror that the end was near. For others, 1948 was monumental as Israel was recognized by the modern world as a nation. No doubt, this was it! I personally remember having a man explain to us at Forks Assembly of God how mathematically he could prove that Henry Kissinger was the Anti-Christ. Even now in 2022, we have people writing books about the “secret codes” in the Bible and once again declaring that these are “the last days.”
Here’s my take. None of us have a guarantee that we will wake up tomorrow. Actually, I could be killed in a car crash tonight or have a sudden aneurism that takes my physical life. So…..I think what is really important is that we live like we could be in the last days of our lives. Because that’s really true! My life is all I can control, and even then, I need the help of the Holy Spirit. I can’t control an attack on our nation’s capitol or the senseless murders on our streets. . I can’t prevent or cure cancer. I can pray but have no power over Russia or the Ukraine or what President Biden might do. So….I need to be responsible for myself, no matter what the condition of the church or my community or the world might be.
I’d advise you to be cautious about trying to read and interpret Scripture through the lens of current news. It’s tempting, as it always has been. Yes, there are many things happening today that point to the end of the world. But let’s hold them loosely for in the big picture of history that has often been the case. So – it’s back to the fact I personally need to be in right relationship with Christ daily, live the best I can, spread His love and be obedient to the Word….because for me….or for you……..these could be the last days.