Repair the Roof 8.21.22
Jerry Beebe


Believe it or not, it’s been almost 20 years since the Lord graciously blessed us and we moved into the new sanctuary, lobby and office complex.  Many of you were here during that time and helped us move “Forward in Faith.”  Everything was “new” then but over the years maintenance is not only normal but expected.

The past few years we have had considerably leakage in the restrooms, lobby, and the north entrance.  Many of you had to navigate around the buckets in the lobby last winter.   We have had the situation evaluated and discovered there is a separation that has occurred where the new roof meets and connects with the old roof.   It’s a serious problem and will get worse before it gets better.

Another concern is the roof over our multi-purpose room which is flat.  It actually sags and now the drains are higher than the roof.  That means that there can be considerable water build-up (think swimming pool) before the water has anywhere to go.  We have been warned that there is actual danger of the roof collapsing if it’s not repaired.

So, acting in faith, the board has approved these repairs.  They truly want to be good stewards of this wonderful facility that God has given us.  Now the bottom line is……how do we raise the funds to make the repairs?    The board just spend almost $30,000 to reseal and restripe the parking lot.  But we realize this roof project can not wait.

Could you pray about helping us?   Next month I’ll be publicly introducing a fund-raising campaign called “Repair the Roof.”  If all of us who consider WFA their church home would contribute, the need would be met.  Everyone can give something.  Some can give $1,000 or $5,000 to help reach the goal.

The entire pastoral staff and board of directors have already agreed to participate.  In fact, I’ll announce next week what we have raised so far.  Very seldom do we come to the congregation with such an appeal but it really is critical to get repair the roof.    Thanks for anything you can do to help us reach our $50,000 goal.