Hebrews 8.7.22
Beginning next month, on Wednesday nights, we are going to take a “deep-dive” into the book of Hebrews. A wise teacher once said that Hebrews is a letter about things “that are better.” Over and over again in this epistle we find words like “better” and “superior.” Even though the author is unknown, it is clear that Jesus is presented as a superior revelation of God and a superior high priest. It also gives us instructions to how to live a superior Christian life. It’s pages are full of comparisons and contrasts and contain many rich spiritual truths. It’s a book worth taking time and effort to really study and glean spiritual revelation.
Many times we read a passage of Scripture for devotional purposes. To be inspired, encouraged or to find practical application for our personal life. That’s good and fine, but the Bible says we should “study to show ourselves approved as a worker who does not need to be ashamed and who correctly handles the word of truth.” (2 Tim 2:15) Studying the Word of God is different than reading it for inspiration. It means you dig deep. You look at the original language, the context, the culture and the application as compared to other Scriptures. It’s not the type of teaching that is generally done on Sundays, so thus we set aside Wednesday to really “study the Bible.”
I hope you’ll make plans to join me in Room #103 beginning Sept 7th as we begin our journey of better understanding the book of Hebrews. I’ll be using college level curriculum but I promise to make it simple and understandable. The discussion, visuals, and handouts will be helpful in your discovery of the rich truths of this portion of Scripture. Of course, as always, the Holy Spirit will be our best teacher and guide and will be faithful to help us apply what we learn to our daily lives..