DR Missions Review 7.10.22
Jerry Beebe


Thank you for your prayers the past couple of weeks as our WFA Missions Team traveled to the Dominican Republic.   It was hot, it was humid and it was a wonderful experience for the 8 who participated.   Hope International does a great job in organizing effective ministry to those on the north shore and they take really good care of their teams too.   Everyone seemed to enjoy the experience even though we returned tired, several sick, and had to endure a 24 hour delay in Miami due to a missed flight.   But we all kept a positive attitude and tried to practice the Biblical exhortation to “give thanks in all circumstances.”

The entire team consisted of about 184 team members from 4 countries, 22 states, and 5 different denominations.  The fellowship was great and we enjoyed the opportunity to make new friends as we worked together.  We conducted 5 medical clinics in different communities and offered providers for medical, dental and vision care.  In those 5 days we saw over 2,500 patients, gave out 4,000 prescriptions and 400 pairs of glasses.   It was pretty exciting!  I personally was able to go out with security and the evangelism team to talk and pray with people.   We also had children’s activities and a construction team that helped build a local church.   The best news is that throughout the week over 635 people gave their life to Christ.

On Sunday, July 17th, a few of our team members will share and we’ll share some pictures of the trip.    Thanks again for praying and supporting the outreach efforts of this great church.