Network Conference 5.8.22
Jerry Beebe


Each year the Northwest Ministry Network has an annual conference.  WFA belongs to this network of 362 Assemblies of God churches located in Washington and Northern Idaho.  Our Network Leader is Don Ross and our headquarters are located in Snoqualmie Ridge.   For a number of years I’ve been honored to be on the Executive Presbytery (like the board of directors) and also serve as the chair of the Finance Team.

This years conference was held this past week in Couer d’Alene, Idaho.  Our National Secretary, Donna Barrett, was one of the speakers as we ordained 29 ministers.  By the way, 40% were women.  We also honored ministers who have been ordained for  50 years and we remembered those who have been promoted to heaven this past year.

After 20 years of service as our Associate Network Leader, Dave Cole stepped down from that office.  Some of you might remember he pastored International Christian Center (Eastmont Assembly of God) in East Wenatchee before being elected to the Network Office.   On the first ballot, Pastor Andy Pursley was elected as our new Associate Leader.  He is a dynamic young man who has pastored Forks Assembly the past 9 years.  No doubt, he’ll do a great job!

There were workshops, an opening night where Pastor Don Ross shared his heart and there were all sorts of opportunities for us to connect with our fellow ministers.  A highlight for me was a session with Don Exley, who spoke about being Pentecostal without being weird.  He taught on obeying the “nudge” of the Holy Spirit and gave some very Biblically sound yet practical ways to walk in the Spirit.

We are fortunate to belong to a great organization as the Assemblies of God and to be led and accountable to such Godly leadership.