Don’t Say Gay 4.10.22
Jerry Beebe


No doubt you have heard about the “Parental Rights in Education” bill recently passed in Florida.  It has drawn national criticism from groups that have labeled it the “Don’t Say Gay” bill.    It’s sad to see the LGBTQ community react out of fear rather than recognizing the rights of parents.    Why would sexual orientation or gender identity need to be discussed or taught in kindergarten to protect the LGBTQ rights?   That in itself doesn’t make any sense.

I like what James Emery White recently stated; “any discussions at such a young age should be between a child and their parent, not a child and their teacher.   What is hard about a teacher saying to a child, “that is a very good question and it’s one your should ask your parent’s about when you get home.”    It’s never been the role of a public school teacher to become the parent of a child.”

This whole thing is not about left vs right; Democrat vs Republican; or LGBTQ community vs Followers of Christ.  This is about the role of the school and the role of parents when it comes to talking to your children about sex.   And whether we like it or not, God has given that job to us as parents.