Ranger and the Key 3.27.22
Jerry Beebe


Two miracles in one morning!    No eyes restored, nor diseases instantly cured, but nevertheless, miraculous interventions from God in two different situations.  One has to do with a runaway dog and the other a lost key.  I realize these things might seem trivial or insignificant,  but that’s actually the point.  When things bother us, causing worry and angst, our Heavenly Father cares.  He’s concerned.   It’s not the circumstance that draws His attention to us, but our hurting hearts and our confidence in Him to help us in our time of need, no matter how large or small.

Ranger is a dog who loves to run when he escapes the confines of his home..   Unfortunately, he escaped at a most inopportune time.   A couple needed to go to work, but Ranger got out and couldn’t be found anyplace.   They called, they whistled, and the time ticked away.  Finally the husband said, “I’m sorry, but I’ve got to leave and get to work. I’ll take one more loop around the neighborhood but I really need to get going.”   Sadness filled everyone’s heart for the lost dog.   As the man drove down the street, just a couple blocks away, guess what?   There was Ranger playing on top of a mound of dirt.

The key belonged to me.  It was the master key to the church and wasn’t in my pocket when I arrived for the early morning men’s group.   Oh no!  Where could it be?   Well, I knew I had left it on the bathroom counter, along with my wallet when I took my shower.  I contacted my wife, who sadly informed me if wasn’t there.   After our group I rushed home, frantically looking on the dresser, in my toothpaste drawer and even in the dirty clothes hamper.  No key.  So I asked my coworkers to agree in prayer that the Lord would protect the church and help me find the key.   Well, within 15 minutes I reached into my back pocket (where I’ve never put a key) and stuck on my wallet was…..yep…the master key.   The lost had been found.

As a Father, I know that if it bothers my daughter, it’s of concern to me.   So friends, how much more does our Heavenly Father care!  If it bothers or upsets you, your Father cares.  Feel free to pray, to reach out, to ask Him to help you.  You’ll be surprised that miracles aren’t just reserved for big things.  Miracles happen every day as we ask the Lord to help us and believe that He cares about us and will come to our aid.