Darth & Allen 3.6.22
Jerry Beebe


I was humbled by the the results of the annual performance review that is now required, under the new bylaws, of the Lead Pastor by the board of directors.   It’s no doubt a much better way of evaluating the performance of a church leader.  Instead of a subjective “yes’ or “no” vote by the members, the board of directors evaluates in 7 specific areas.  These are:  Pastoral Ministry, Worship Services, Administration, Personal Qualities, Community & Denominational Involvement, Evangelism, and Discipleship.  I was pleased to receive a 3.85 score out of 4.0.

But honestly,  it’s really an evaluation of a pastoral team.   I might be the current “lead pastor” but I’m not the “sole” pastor of this congregation.  One man can’t do it all.  God has placed both Pastor Darth and Pastor Allen as strategic members of our pastoral team.  They bring a perspective and skill-sets that I simply don’t have.  We have a trust, transparency and team mentality in our relationship with one another.  Honestly, I feel more secure in this current team than ever before.

So many of the ideas for worship services, community outreach or discipleship actually stem from discussions we’ve had together.  After praying and talking about an idea, I might be the primary spokesman but that doesn’t mean I’m the primary workhorse for the project, event of service.  There are multitudes of others that help to launch and implement the idea.

Today, I want to give credit where credit is due.   A special shout-out of THANKS to Pastor Darth and Pastor Allen.  I love these guys and appreciate them more than words can express.  Without them, the quality of pastoral leadership and care would be greatly diminished.     They love this congregation, as I do, and are not only competent by loyal and committed to our vision of “inspiring lifelong relationships with Jesus.”  We are blessed by them and their spouses.