Easter 4.3.22
Jerry Beebe


It’s hard to believe that  Easter is only a couple weeks away.  What a wonderful time in the church year to focus on the resurrection of Jesus and the power He has over death.  Hallelujah!

I hope you’ll plan to celebrate the Easter Weekend with us at WFA.   On Saturday, April 16th, at 1:00pm we will be having a special children’s event in the back field.   Besides the traditional Easter egg hunt, done by age groups, there will be inflatables, prizes, games and much fun.  This is an event open to the community and I’d encourage you to invite your family, friends, and neighbors.

To help you invite people, we have produced a special “invitation card” that is available at the Welcome Center.   Please pick up several and let the kids in your world know about this fun event.

On Easter Sunday, we will have one gathering at 10:00am.  We’ve added extra chairs in the auditorium and the service will include special music and other features.   We’ll also be giving out complimentary iced coffee!

May the Lord help us to have the boldness to use this opportunity as a chance to share our faith and invite others to celebrate Gods’ love on this special weekend.