Equipping Resources 1.30.22
Jerry Beebe


Our vision at WFA is to inspire lifelong relationships with Jesus.  We accomplish that through our mission to Love, Mend, Train and Send.   Training is a huge part of a lifelong relationship with Jesus. We must be disciples and students;  study His Word, and learn Biblical principles on how to live a life that will bring us spiritual victory and success.

This spring we are going to offer two separate training events.  One for parents and one for grandparents.  Most of us find ourselves in one of these two stages of life and in need of God’s help and guidance to love and support our families.  I hope you’ll take advantage of this opportunity.    We are bringing in outside guest who are trained and knowledgeable in these areas.  You’ll hear more about this in the month ahead but I wanted you to be sure to save the dates.

Parenting Conference with Dan & Becky Mater.   Friday and Saturday; March 25 & 26

Grandparenting Legacy Conference with Ray & Kathryn Dobbs.  Friday and Saturday; April 29 & 30

Please plan to be a part of these great events designed to help you be better equipped for the work God has called you to in your families.