Deacons 12.19.21
The Scriptures, in Acts 6, instructs those of us who are called to prayer, teaching and shepherding the flock, to develop a leadership team around us that can assist in the day-to-day functions of the church. In our polity the membership elects “deacons” to help the pastoral staff and to serve as the board of directors. Each person serves for 3 years and is allowed to serve two consecutive terms. Those who are presented to the congregation are vetted through a “nominating committee” that is appointed by the board.
At our annual meeting next February (2022) we will need to elect two deacons to our board. The nominating committee has been appointed and is open to your comments and suggestions. If you know of a member who has a servant’s heart, is faithful in attendance, and is supportive of the vision and mission of the church, the committee would be happy to consider that individual. If you have a name you’d like the committee to consider please contact Steve Russert, Kim Schooley, Judy Culp, Joel Swartz or Pastor Jerry. You are almost welcome to call the church office with your suggestion.
Let’s pray we will discover the mind of the Lord as we elect our leaders at next year’s annual meeting.