5 Things. 10.17.21
Jerry Beebe


I’ve sure enjoyed the new weekly morning prayer gathering on Tuesdays.  It’s important for all of us as individuals and as a church to be in prayer.  The disciples recognized that need and in Luke 11 asked Jesus; “Lord, teach us to pray.”  (vs 1).  If you could travel back in time and ask Jesus one question, would this be what you would ask?

Jordon Loftis helps us understand whey this was such a powerful question.   You see, prayer starts from intimate relationship.  Jesus began his famous prayer by saying, “Our Father.”  Prayer is about our loving relationship with our great Father, God himself.  It isn’t a wish, or grovel session between us and a distance figure in the sky.  It’s a two-way conversation.

In prayer, there are 5 things that we should understand:

  1. God is a perfect Father who wants to hear from us.
  2. God is a “Holy Father” who is powerful enough to intervene in our lives.
  3. God is a willing Father who wants to both deliver and work through us.
  4. God is our provider and everything we have is from him.
  5. God transforms us through prayer, renewing our mind and directing our steps.

Please take time to re-read those 5 things and be sure to spend time in conversations with God today.  Both talking and listening!