School Teachers 10.3.21
Each of us have a unique calling upon our life. We tend to think of pastors and missionaries being called, but the Bible actually teaches that He calls people to other vocations as well. Such is the case with teachers. It seems God has put a special love, grace, skill-set,, and commitment within them. They are energized and fulfilled by teaching their students. There is a passion, drive, and commitment that holds them firm in the midst of all the noise around them. I can’t even imagine the pressure teachers feel from parents, school administrators, governmental requirements, mandatory testing standards, and then the anger and expectations from citizens of the community. It’s got to be tough. Especially when all these precious friends want to do is teach and invest in the lives of their students.
Will you please join me in praying for the teachers who make WFA their church home? They need our love, support and prayers. It’s not easy. But God has called them and God will enable and equip them. We’ve sent each of them a small gift and will be publicly praying for them on Sunday, Oct. 10th. But I’d encourage you to pray for them throughout the years. Bless them with a note of encouragement or gift. Also, even though we are only highlighting teachers, let’s be aware of para-pros, bus-drivers, kitchen workers, office staff, administrators, custodians, and all those who are part of our educational system. We love and appreciate them all!!
Lori McLaughlin – Newberry Elementary
Maria Kruger – Quincy Junior High
Scott Womack – Eastmont High School
Star Downey – Washington Virtual Academy
Lisa Lewis – Eastmont High School
Jenni Creek – The River Academy
Tiffany Hepton – Mission View Elementary
Sydney Kretschman – Easton Elementary
Wilbert Ochoa – Foothills Middle School