Scott Womack 7.25.21
Jerry Beebe


This weekend we will be blessed by the ministry of Scott Womack.  I love this brother!   He’s been through some really hard times the past few years but his faith in the goodness of God and his commitment to Jesus hasn’t wavered.  He’s always smiling, serving, and reflecting the joy of Jesus.

Unfortunately, sometimes it takes the tough stuff of life to show us who we really are. I’ve seen many Christians, when poked by the darts of Satan, find anger, bitterness, and complaining flow from their words and life.  Others, like Scott, continue to offer praise to God and trust that through the pain and disappointments, the Lord will work all things together for their good.  (Romans 8:28)   It’s not always an easy path to choose but guys like Scott inspire us to stay anchored to Jesus and walk by faith and not sight or feelings.

What’s inside of you?  The Scripture tells us that from the abundance of our heart the mouth speaks.  (Luke 6:45)  He is telling us that we can judge a person’s character by what they say and do during times of suffering and tribulation.   I pray that each of us will demonstrate the fruit of the Spirit through out life no matter what we are experiencing outwardly.   Scott certainly has and I’m honored to call him my brother and my friend.  I know you’ll be inspired by his ministry as we gather this Sunday.