Packing Friendships 7.18.21
Jerry Beebe


Years ago I served with Barbara Tilly on the board of Habitat for Humanity.  So when Barb contacted us about being part of the “Packing Friendships” program for the Wenatchee School District, I jumped at the chance.  She has a love for God, for the community and a life of integrity and public service.  Throughout the years we’ve adopted “John Newberry” on Western and also helped provide for other schools, sometimes up to 30 and 40 bags of food each week.

Vicki Franks did an amazing job in leading this ministry.   Her sudden death has left a void that we need to fill so that we can continue providing nutritious food to children who would often be hungry over the weekends.  Would you pray this need be filled, or better yet, pray if God might be asking you to help?

There are many volunteers who are willing to shop, pack and deliver the lunches.  What we really need is someone who can coordinate all the various tasks that are needed each week to assure this vital ministry doesn’t miss a beat.   If you are interested, please contact me at:   Thanks so much for considering this way to serve the Lord and to help the community in which He has called us serve.