New Program 7.4.21
Jerry Beebe


You have spoken – we have listened!   Beginning this Sunday we will be reintroducing a weekly program (or the old-timers might remember it as a “bulletin”) each Sunday as you enter the building.  You haven’t seen these since the pandemic began but we’ve had numerous requests in the past few months and feel there is no danger for people’s safety by distributing them as you enter the building.

The new format is scaled down from years past and will basically be a “printed” version of information that can be found on our webpage or in our weekly “Link” e-mail.  We have found, however, that there are two groups of people who desire and need a printed version.  The first are those who do not have computers or do not use the electronic technology that most of us have come to depend upon.  The others have indicated they really miss having the message outline and a place to physically take notes with good old fashioned pen and paper.

So, this week we welcome back our weekly program in a half-sheet format.   The front will have the date, and graphics of coming events.  The back will feature the title, text, and outline of the morning message with room to take notes.  We sincerely hope you will appreciate this revised form of communication to help get you connected in how we are “inspiring lifelong relationships with Jesus.”