Miracles 8.1.21
Jerry Beebe


All of Jesus’ miracles can be grouped into the four categories of:  1) nature,  2) demons,  3) illness,  and 4) death.  As we have been reading through the Bible in our “Journey through the Word” we recently encountered all those types of miracles in Mark.  There’s the calming of the sea, the Gerasene demoniac, the woman with the bleeding condition, and the raising of Jairus’ daughter.  Our former National Leader, George O. Wood, makes three great observations about this passage.

First, we all like security and ease.  After a long day of teaching and dealing with the crowds, the disciples were tired but Jesus wanted to keep going.  Sometimes he pushes us when we find it more comfortable to and convenient to stop.   Secondly, life often gets tougher before it gets better.  When the disciples got into the board they thought they could catch their breath but in reality a violent storm was on the horizon.

The third thing we need to consider is the meaning of “they took him along, just as he was.” (4:36)   What does that mean?  You would normally think Jesus would be taking them, not the other way around.  Notice he was exhausted.  He had reached his limits, showing his humanity.  So the disciples made a “transportation” decision for him.   Finally, the other boats are described not as being with them but being with him.  That’s because the focus must always be on Jesus.

Let’s continue to read through the word this year, and ask the Holy Spirit to help us apply the truth of the Scriptures to our lives.