Pastor Darth. 6.6.21
We see a Biblical principle from the very beginning of time of “rest” or a “Sabbath” after six days or years of hard work. We learn in Genesis God Himself created for six days and then rested on the seventh. Farmers were told to work their land for six years, producing crops, but to let the land rest on the seventh. This principle is so important that it was included in the original 10 Commandments and Jesus affirmed it in his life as well.
Years ago our WFA Board implemented a “sabbatical policy” for our full-time pastoral staff. This summer Pastor Darth and Jenni have been given 3 months to simply detach, rest, refresh and renew. Even though we will miss them, we are glad to gift them with this season of time. They have worked hard among us. In the past couple of years, board members and staff members alike have become disgruntled and walked away from their care of this great congregation. But Pastor Darth has stood firm, committed to His calling and loyal to our church family. He has proven his love for us, not by word, but by his actions.
Let’s pray for the Creek Family during these summer months. Pray God will refresh and reward them with His presence, His peace, and His provision. Pray they will laugh much, enjoy good food, multiple naps and a have a sense of our deep love and appreciation for their ministry.