Ascension Sunday 5.16.21
In many more traditional or liturgical churches, this weekend is the celebration of “Ascension Sunday.” Ascension Day was actually Thursday, May 13th, this year, which is 40 days after the resurrection of Jesus. As Pentecostal’s we should lead the way in celebrating this special day because without it, we wouldn’t have the constant help and presence of the Holy Spirit to guide our lives.
Jesus’ teaching in John 14 – 17 is known as his “farewell discourse.” He is teaching and preparing his disciples for his return to heaven. He says in John 16:7 that it’s actually good or beneficial for him to leave, so that the Holy Spirit can come. Prior to that in John 14:6 he promises us the empowerment of the Spirit, once He is gone, to guide, lead, comfort, counsel, and help us. He left but He sent One who is able to dwell in us and help us in all ways at all times.
Acts 1 records the ascension of Jesus, and again He instructs us to anticipate the coming of the Holy Spirit. Just 10 days later, or 50 days from the resurrection, at the Feast of Pentecost, we find believers gathered in the upper room and given this precious gift of the Spirit.
I’d encourage you today to embrace the Spirit that abides in you as a believer in Christ and to celebrate the ascension of the Lord which was a good thing, as it ushered in the Holy Spirit to lead and guide us.