10 Things That Hinder 5.30.21
Jerry Beebe


One of our values at Wenatchee First Assembly is “spiritual development.”  Each of us should desire and work toward becoming more like Jesus every day.  Unfortunately there are things that creep into our lives that hinder our maturity.  This week let me share ten things we need to be aware of that prevent us from reflecting the character of Christ.   Read each one slowly and ask the Lord if it’s something that perhaps you need to remove from your life in order to become more like Him.

  1.  Materialism – James 1:17
  2. Competitiveness – Gen. 4: 3-5
  3. Jealousy – Phil 2: 3-4
  4. Drama – Gal 5: 15-16
  5. Gossip – James 3:9; Eph 4:29
  6. Negative Thinking – Phil 4:8
  7. Anger – James 1:20
  8. Violence – Psalm 34:14
  9. Fear of Man – Ps 91: 1-2
  10. Laziness – 2 Thes 3:10