Attn Members 1.31.21
If you are a “corporate member” of Wenatchee First Assembly I’d like to make you aware of a couple of upcoming meetings. Our annual meeting is scheduled for 6:00pm on Sunday, Feb. 21st. Please mark it on your calendar! Your attendnace is crucial since we need a quorum to conduct business. Besides electing 3 deacons, we are also recommending approval of a new set of bylaws.
Our current bylaws are over 25 years old and really in need of updating. There are some vital areas concerning “indemnification” and an “open records” policy that need to be addressed as soon as possible. The 20 most critical changes from our existing bylaws and a copy of the entire new document can be found at: or under the “Resources” tab on our main webpage.
To answer questions and better explain the changes, we will also have a ZOOM meeting on Monday night, Feb 8th at 7:00pm. You can join us at the link: If you would rather, you can also join us in person in the main auditorium.
Under the new state guidelines we are able to accommodate enough people to conduct our Annual Meeting and still keep 6′ apart, wearing masks, etc. But – we do need enough members there to conduct business. So, please plan to join us on Sunday, Feb. 21 at 6:00pm.