Journey 12.27.20
Jerry Beebe


You’re invited to join the WFA Pastoral Staff in reading through the Bible in 2021.  It won’t be every verse  but we will start in Genesis and proceed with reading every major theme, event, and principle through the book of Revelation.    It won’t take tons of time but it will require the discipline of opening God’s Word each day of this coming New Year.  We believe it will draw us closer to the Lord, our Savior and Healer, and will also bind us together as a church family as we “Journey through the Word” together.

As part of our Journey, we also encourage you to attend our Wednesday Night Journey service at 7:00pm in the main auditorium.  We will discuss together what we have read and learned through the Scriptures we have read that week.  It will be the way we share and apply God’s Word to our daily lives.  As a family, we will also pray for each other and hear testimonies of God’s work among us.

So often we wonder why we don’t have the strength, wisdom, healing, and victory that the Bible promises.  Often, to be honest, it’s that we haven’t fed our spirit.  Just as our physical body needs nourishment each day, so does our spirit.   It sounds so basic, but honestly, the spiritual disciplines of prayer, Bible reading, fasting, meditation and sharing our faith are the keys to spiritual growth and maturity.  Unfortunately, in many ways, we’ve neglected the basics and replaced them with the marketing and growth strategies of the world.

This coming year, WFA is on track to return to the basic building blocks of our faith.   That’s the reason for this “Journey through the Word” and we sincerely hope you’ll join us.  A copy of the reading guide will be available at: or you can pick up a printed copy at any of the entrances to the church building.